We know, that you as a well-informed consumer and is reviewing the following information before purchasing. Additionally, we are aware that this information may differ from other comparison websites; this is because the experience that is being curated for you is one of a kind and therefore requires a different level of responsibility from the consumer.

Please note:

  • By using Propertylab.tech, you agree that all service fees incurred during any successful transaction are non-refundable.
  • Propertylab.tech is intended for use only by customers who are located in Malaysia. We make no warranty or representation that any Product and/or any service we provide is available or otherwise appropriate for use outside of Malaysia. If you choose to use Propertylab from locations outside Malaysia, you do so at your sole risk and you are responsible for compliance with all applicable local laws.
  • It’s your sole responsibility to ensure that the information you provide when using Propertylab.tech is accurate and complete. If it isn’t, a Product that you obtain via Propertylab.tech may not be valid.
  • It’s also your sole responsibility to ensure that the product matches your requirements.
  • If you buy a product through Propertylab.tech, you will also be subject to the provider’s terms of use and privacy policy (which will be different from ours) and you should read those carefully.
  • We may amend these terms and conditions at any time and without notice by changing this page, so you should visit this page to review the current terms each time you use Propertylab.tech.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding our refund policy

Propertylab Technology Sdn Bhd

32-01, Tower B, The Vertical Corporate Towers,

Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 

59200 Kuala Lumpur. 

+60 3-2786 7438
